Multi-Residential & Condominiums

Non-recourse mortgages are available in every geographic location: primary, secondary and tertiary markets. We work with all project types from high rollover vacancy to investment grade, and provide competitive terms and rates across the entire range.
Apartment Buildings
- Construction up to 85% financing
- 5/10/15/20 year terms
- 30 year amortizations
- Based on feasibility
Condominiums & Inventory Financing
- Construction up to 85% financing
- 3 year terms
- 35 - 75% pre-leased or pre-sold
Condominium Inventory Loans
- On unsold units up to 75% loan to cost
- Work with new and seasoned developers
- 3 year terms
- Rates starting at 4%
See our recent projects
Commercial real estate industries