David Jiang, Senior Commercial Analyst, 905-477-6542 x230

David Jiang
Senior Commercial Analyst
At CFO Capital, David is responsible for analyzing and underwriting various real estate transactions. David brings over six years of commercial underwriting experience and has underwritten and funded over $600 million in real estate transactions. David is also a licensed real estate Sales Representative.
Prior to joining CFO Capital, David held multiple positions in investment banking and private equity. David has advised on a number of strategic initiatives such as acquisitions, divestitures and capital raising in various industries including media, technology and real estate.
David holds a BBA from the Schulich School of Business at York University where he specialized Finance and Applied Mathematics. David is currently an Alumni Mentor with the Schulich Alumni Relation's Mentorship Program and is a Mentor and Youth Coach with Rise Asset Development.
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Commercial real estate industries